Information and consent form

The goal of this study is to understand what patterns people see in data, and how people think those patterns will continue when they are given incomplete information.

This experiment does not collect any personally identifying or sensitive information, and you are free to withdraw at any time. If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Christopher Lucas (

In the following screens, you will try to understand two distinct relationships using plots containing data points.

The relationships may or may not resemble ones you have seen before.

Based on your understanding of the relationships, you will predict the values of new points.

It should only take a few seconds to make each judgment, and the experiment is expected to take fewer than 12 minutes in all. Also, please take note of the following:

To participate, click: I agree to participate in this study.

If you do not wish to participate, please close this window and return the HIT.